First at all

There are spoilers everywhere!!


and then,

  1. A useful short cut: [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [L] —— Light/Dark mode switch. 切換 暗色模式 的快捷鍵 ↑↑↑

  2. This note's structure seems complicated and confused, that's because of the Notion Rollup limit so it has to be like that. (or because I'm a rookie...) 這個筆記資料庫的結構有點奇怪複雜, 是因為Notion本身索引限制不得不這麼製作.

  3. This is not a copy but an original file, and it'll synchronize every step I make to everyone at any time, so you may see some glitch sometimes. 你目前所瀏覽的就是源文件本身, 我所做的每個更改都會實時同步到所有閱讀者, 所以有時候可能會有一些錯亂被你看見.

  4. I'm not an English user, so there are lots of texts without translation for now, and I don't know if I have able to do that. I'd try in my free time, and forgive my messy English 😂🤣😅

  5. I might close sharing in sometimes when I decide to do large work, and reopen after work done. 當我要做一些大型變動的時候可能會暫時關閉分享,搞定之後再重新打開

  6. If you're the person in a photo and you want to change it, please contact me [email protected]

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